Our School

School Prospectus

Please use the menu on the left to download our School Prospectus for information about day to day life at Cornholme School, including details regarding Curriculum, achievement and attainment, school transport, school uniform and school meals. 


Breakfast Club

Our Breakfast Club is open Monday - Friday term time from 07:45am - 09:00am. We have 24 places available every morning, for a fun session to start the day. Children may enjoy a variety of activities alongside their breakfast of cereal, toast and a drink. 

Our Breakfast Club is fully staffed by members of our School staff.

Places are booked and charged in advance for Breakfast Club via the Arbor App. 

Each session costs £4.00 per child. 


After School Club

Our After School Club is open Monday - Friday term time from 3:30pm - 6:00pm. We have 24 places available at each session, where the children can enjoy a variety of activities and an after school snack and drink. 

Our After School Club is fully staffed by members of our School staff. 

Places are booked and charged in advance for After School Club via the Arbor App. If you wish to book your child into After School Club on the same day, your booking must be made before 12:00pm via Arbor. If you need to make a last minute same day booking, you would need to contact the School Office and an administration charge of £ 3.00 will be applied. 

Bookings can be ad hoc and casual, or booked on a more permanent long-term basis to ensure your childcare needs are adequately met. 

Charges for After School Club are as follows: 

  • 3:30pm - 4:30pm:   Â£4.00
  • 3:30pm - 5:30pm:   Â£7.50
  • 3:30pm - 6:00pm:   Â£9.25


Payments: Arbor

We request that all payments are made to school electronically wherever possible. This includes payments for school meals, Breakfast Club, After School Club, extra-curricular activity clubs, school trips, school water bottles, school book bags and Nursery sessions amongst other things.  We use the Arbor App, when your child starts school, an account will be set up for them and you will be able to register to book any Breakfast Club or After School Club sessions, and pay for your child's items. 


Our School

School Prospectus

Please use the menu on the left to download our School Prospectus for information about day to day life at Cornholme School, including details regarding Curriculum, achievement and attainment, school transport, school uniform and school meals. 


Breakfast Club

Our Breakfast Club is open Monday - Friday term time from 07:45am - 09:00am. We have 24 places available every morning, for a fun session to start the day. Children may enjoy a variety of activities alongside their breakfast of cereal, toast and a drink. 

Our Breakfast Club is fully staffed by members of our School staff.

Places are booked and charged in advance for Breakfast Club via the Arbor App. 

Each session costs £4.00 per child. 


After School Club

Our After School Club is open Monday - Friday term time from 3:30pm - 6:00pm. We have 24 places available at each session, where the children can enjoy a variety of activities and an after school snack and drink. 

Our After School Club is fully staffed by members of our School staff. 

Places are booked and charged in advance for After School Club via the Arbor App. If you wish to book your child into After School Club on the same day, your booking must be made before 12:00pm via Arbor. If you need to make a last minute same day booking, you would need to contact the School Office and an administration charge of £ 3.00 will be applied. 

Bookings can be ad hoc and casual, or booked on a more permanent long-term basis to ensure your childcare needs are adequately met. 

Charges for After School Club are as follows: 

  • 3:30pm - 4:30pm:   Â£4.00
  • 3:30pm - 5:30pm:   Â£7.50
  • 3:30pm - 6:00pm:   Â£9.25


Payments: Arbor

We request that all payments are made to school electronically wherever possible. This includes payments for school meals, Breakfast Club, After School Club, extra-curricular activity clubs, school trips, school water bottles, school book bags and Nursery sessions amongst other things.  We use the Arbor App, when your child starts school, an account will be set up for them and you will be able to register to book any Breakfast Club or After School Club sessions, and pay for your child's items.