Useful information

This page contains those extra, really useful bits of information that anyone involved with our school might need to know from time to time. Please use the menu to the left to access the various areas. 


What's Happening

Navigate here to see any current newsflashes and information  - we update this area on a daily basis as required. You can also access the Term Dates for the current school year, the next school year and this year's Key Dates list here. Any letters which have been sent out from school are also available from this page. Please use the links at the top of the page to access these. 


Our One Way System

We are always concerned for the safety of our pupils, their families and our staff. Situated in a residential area we are very conscious that the roads get very busy and congested at the beginning and end of the day. As such we have devised a one-way traffic system which operates at school drop-off and pick-up time. We hope this makes your travelling a little easier, whilst keeping our school family safe. Access this page to check the best way to drive to and from school at these times. 


Policies & Privacy Notices

School has a robust set of policies and procedures which cover all the day-to-day operations of our school. We have selected the most relevant policies for parents and carers and made them available here. We also have our Privacy Notices here for your reference. 



We request that all payments are made to school electronically wherever possible. This includes payments for school meals, Breakfast Club, After School Club, extra-curricular activity clubs, school trips, school water bottles, school book bags and Nursery sessions amongst other things.  We use a system called Arbor, when your child starts school, an account will be set up for them and you will be able to register to book any Breakfast Club or After School Club sessions, and pay for your child's items. 



Please review the latest Parents' Guide To Action on the What's Happening page which explains which course of action to take if your child, yourself or someone in your household may have contracted Covid 19. 

School continues to practice enhanced hygiene measures in school and we encourage the children to practice robust personal hygiene both in school and at home. Please help us to keep our children, their families and our staff safe by supporting us in this. 

Useful information

This page contains those extra, really useful bits of information that anyone involved with our school might need to know from time to time. Please use the menu to the left to access the various areas. 


What's Happening

Navigate here to see any current newsflashes and information  - we update this area on a daily basis as required. You can also access the Term Dates for the current school year, the next school year and this year's Key Dates list here. Any letters which have been sent out from school are also available from this page. Please use the links at the top of the page to access these. 


Our One Way System

We are always concerned for the safety of our pupils, their families and our staff. Situated in a residential area we are very conscious that the roads get very busy and congested at the beginning and end of the day. As such we have devised a one-way traffic system which operates at school drop-off and pick-up time. We hope this makes your travelling a little easier, whilst keeping our school family safe. Access this page to check the best way to drive to and from school at these times. 


Policies & Privacy Notices

School has a robust set of policies and procedures which cover all the day-to-day operations of our school. We have selected the most relevant policies for parents and carers and made them available here. We also have our Privacy Notices here for your reference. 



We request that all payments are made to school electronically wherever possible. This includes payments for school meals, Breakfast Club, After School Club, extra-curricular activity clubs, school trips, school water bottles, school book bags and Nursery sessions amongst other things.  We use a system called Arbor, when your child starts school, an account will be set up for them and you will be able to register to book any Breakfast Club or After School Club sessions, and pay for your child's items. 



Please review the latest Parents' Guide To Action on the What's Happening page which explains which course of action to take if your child, yourself or someone in your household may have contracted Covid 19. 

School continues to practice enhanced hygiene measures in school and we encourage the children to practice robust personal hygiene both in school and at home. Please help us to keep our children, their families and our staff safe by supporting us in this. 

Useful information

This page contains those extra, really useful bits of information that anyone involved with our school might need to know from time to time. Please use the menu to the left to access the various areas. 


What's Happening

Navigate here to see any current newsflashes and information  - we update this area on a daily basis as required. You can also access the Term Dates for the current school year, the next school year and this year's Key Dates list here. Any letters which have been sent out from school are also available from this page. Please use the links at the top of the page to access these. 


Our One Way System

We are always concerned for the safety of our pupils, their families and our staff. Situated in a residential area we are very conscious that the roads get very busy and congested at the beginning and end of the day. As such we have devised a one-way traffic system which operates at school drop-off and pick-up time. We hope this makes your travelling a little easier, whilst keeping our school family safe. Access this page to check the best way to drive to and from school at these times. 


Policies & Privacy Notices

School has a robust set of policies and procedures which cover all the day-to-day operations of our school. We have selected the most relevant policies for parents and carers and made them available here. We also have our Privacy Notices here for your reference. 



We request that all payments are made to school electronically wherever possible. This includes payments for school meals, Breakfast Club, After School Club, extra-curricular activity clubs, school trips, school water bottles, school book bags and Nursery sessions amongst other things.  We use a system called Arbor, when your child starts school, an account will be set up for them and you will be able to register to book any Breakfast Club or After School Club sessions, and pay for your child's items. 



Please review the latest Parents' Guide To Action on the What's Happening page which explains which course of action to take if your child, yourself or someone in your household may have contracted Covid 19. 

School continues to practice enhanced hygiene measures in school and we encourage the children to practice robust personal hygiene both in school and at home. Please help us to keep our children, their families and our staff safe by supporting us in this.